Asset of OCBC NISP standing at IDR47.6 trillion

JAKARTA:  Total assets of  PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk are estimated to reach DIR47.6 trillion following the corporate scheme for merger with PT Bank OCBC Indonesia.

Director of Bank OCBC NISP Rama Pranata Kusumaputra said the assumption here refers to the total corporate assets on October 15 worth IDR41.52 trillion of the total assets of OCBC In­do­nesia worth IDR6.07 trillion.“With the merger here the total assets of Bank OCBC NISP will later reach IDR47.606 trillion,” he said yesterday.

After merger, all assets and liabilities of Bank OCBC Indonesia will be shifted to Bank OCBC NISP.
He then unveiled that after merger the CAR is 18.1 percent and net profit IDR479 billion. Besides, the third party fund (DPK) of Bank OCBC NISP will increase into IDR36.54 trillion.“Our loan to deposit ratio (LDR) will stay at the secured level of 78.6 percent. The gross NPL will be 2.9 percent and net NPL 1.4 percent,” he said.

Bank OCBC NISP is go public company with 81.9 percent shares possession by Bank OCBC Singapore, and Bank OCBC Indonesia 99 percent shares are owned by OCBC Bank Singapore and 1 percent by Bank
The merger scheme of Bank OCBC NISP and Bank OCBC Indonesia has been approved by the minor shareholders.President Director of Bank OCBC NISP Parwati Surjaudaja said the approval was attained from the EGMS yesterday. The company would seek merger permit to BI.

The merger is expectedly effective by January 1 next year after getting approval from EGMS, Bapepam-LK, BI, and Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. After accomplishing merger process, two entities here will use name and logo of Bank OCBC NISP and Bank OCBC Indonesia is dismissed without any liquidation. 

Parwati said the merger is not related to the efforts to meet the single presence policy (SPP) required by BI. Besides, she said the merger scheme will help ease the customers in transaction. She said the customers many times are facing obstacles in transaction such as wrong transfer which is worth IDR100 billion in three months.
“It is meant to transfer to Bank OCBC NISP but in fact went into Bank OCBC Indonesia and vice versa,” she added.

Dealing with the merger scheme, she admitted the company does not lay off the employee. But she mentioned some employees decided not to join with the company.“Some 323 employees or 5 percent employees of both entities [Bank OCBC NISP dan Bank OCBC Indonesia] prefers to quit.”Parwati also unveiled that company targets to grow the credit 30 percent next year focusing on SME (small medium enterprise).
“We are sure next year credit of Bank OCBC NISP could grow by 25-30 percent," she said.She said next year the company will develop corporate credit as that of worked out by Bank OCBC Indonesia. (Bisnis/07)

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