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Busyro named new antigraft leader

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Fri, 11/26/2010 11:19 AM | Headlines 

The House of Representatives on Thursday selected Busyro Muqoddas to be the new chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) after two rounds of voting.

In the first round of votes, Busyro was selected by members of the House’s legal affairs commission to be a member of the KPK leadership, beating out the only other candidate, lawyer-activist Bambang Widjojanto.

After winning the post as KPK deputy chairman, Busyro moved on to the next round of votes, where 43 of the 55 legislators appointed him new chairman, beating out the other four deputy chairmen, Bibit Samad Rianto, Chandra M. Hamzah, Har-yono Umar and M. Jasin.

Haggling between legislators marked both votes, with most arguments concentrating around the technicalities of the selection process.

Before the first round of votes, legislators argued on both the period of tenure of the new deputy and whether the new deputy should automatically be chairman as well.

Eight of the nine parties in the House decided that the new deputy would serve until December 2011 to fulfill the remaining tenure of former KPK chairman Antasari Azhar, who is serving an 18-year prison sentence for murder.

Legislators also decided to hold a second round of votes to ensure that both the newly appointed and current deputy chairmen had equal shots at the position of chairman.

Legislators locked horns once more at the start of the second round, with Golkar Party legislators steadfastly holding votes instead of choosing the new chairman in acclamation. Legislators from the other eight parties finally ceded and held another round of votes, which Busyro won in a landslide.

Busyro’s win and its potential impact on the future of the KPK has received mixed responses from legislators and activists.

Many observers placed high hopes on Busyro to revitalize the KPK’s performance, which has been hard hit by two high-profile cases: Antasari’s murder conviction, and on-again-off-again charges pressed against Bibit and Chandra for alleged abuse of power and attempted extortion of a graft suspect.

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) legislator Eva K. Sundari said whoever was appointed would not significantly impact the work of the KPK.

She said the tenure, which would last for one year, was too brief to create any lasting changes.

“That’s why the PDI-P did not favor one candidate over the other,” she said. “In order to be effective, the newly elected candidate must take time to become familiar with the internal working of the KPK.”

House Commission III deputy chairman Fahri Hamzah said the public had to wait and see whether Busyro would perform as hoped for.

“I personally doubt his firmness,” he said, adding that Busyro’s would show his true colors once at the KPK.

Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) activist Donal Fariz said the KPK had to resolve all cases now that it had a new chairman.

“The new head should have more energy in dealing with the case of Gayus H. Tambunan,” Donal said.

He added that Busyro would have more energy compared to the older deputy chairmen since he was unaffected by the protracted 2009 saga pitting the police against the KPK, popularly dubbed Cicak vs Buaya (Lizard vs Crocodile), which is believed to have weakened the KPK.

“I am optimistic that the KPK will be better,” he said. (gzl) 

9 BUMN Bergelar Perusahaan Hitam

 JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Dalam penilaian peringkat kinerja perusahaan (PROPER) soal pengelolaan lingkungan yang diadakan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup (KLH), ada 47 dari 690 perusahaan yang dinilai mendapat peringkat hitam. Selanjutnya, mereka akan diverifikasi untuk mendapatkan alat bukti yang tepat dalam proses penegakan hukum nanti.

"Proper ini sebagai kajian awal KLH untuk melihat apakah melanggar UU No 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup sehingga ditemukan alat bukti yang diajukan ke pengadilan," kata Menteri Lingkungan Hidup, Gusti Muhammad Hatta, di Jakarta, Jumat (26/11/2010).

Pada periode penilaian PROPER tahun 2009-2010 ini, terdapat lima kategori peringkat warna, yakni Emas, Hijau, Biru, Merah dan Hitam. Disebutkan, peringkat Hitam ini diperuntukkan bagi perusahaan yang sengaja berbuat atau lalai sehingga terjadi pencemaran dan atau kerusakan lingkungan serta pelanggaran terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Mereka juga dinilai tidak melaksanakan sanksi administrasi.

Ke-47 perusahaan berperingkat Hitam ini tersebar di 32 perusahaan agroindustri, 10 perusahaan manufaktur dan 5 perusahaan pertambangan, energi dan migas. "Yang patut disayangkan ada 9 BUMN yang mendapat gelar terendah itu. Padahal, mereka harusnya bisa jadi panutan untuk perusahaan-perusahaan lain dalam mengelola lingkungan yang bersih dan aman," kata Gusti.

Ke-9 BUMN itu adalah PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX PG Jatibarang (Brebes, Jawa Tengah), PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII Cikumpai (Purwakarta, Jawa Barat), PT Langkat Kepong Nusantara - Gohor Lama (Langkat, Sumatera Utara), PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIII PMS Long Pinang (Penajam Paser Utara, Kalimantan Timur), PT Kertas Padalarang (Bandung, Jawa Barat), PT PLN Sektor Kupang (Nusa Tenggara Timur), PT PLN Sektor Kapuas Area Siantan (Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat) dan PT PLN Sektor Kapuas Area Sei Raya (Kubu Raya, Kalimantan Barat).

Menurut dia, ada 24 perusahaan yang dua kali diganjar predikat Hitam berturut-turut, seluruhnya bergerak di sektor agroindustri. KLH perlu menindak ke-24 perusahaan yang dua kali berperingkat Hitam itu sesuai peraturan yang berlaku. Sebab, dipandang sengaja dalam kegiatan operasional mereka tidak melakukan kewajiban yang dipersyaratkan dalam peraturan terkait pengelolaam lingkungan hidup, terutama pada pengelolaan limbah cair, pengelolaan limbah emisi gas buang dan pengelolaan limbah B3-nya.

Ada Apa dengan Migrasi Sistem Garuda?

Jakarta - Tertundanya sejumlah penerbangan Garuda Indonesia tentu sangat disayangkan oleh banyak pihak. Pihak Garuda memang sudah meminta maaf, namun sepertinya rasa kecewa penumpang masih sulit terlupa. Tapi bagaimana jika hal ini dilihat dari kacamata TI?

Menurut Abimanyu 'Abah' Wachjoewidajat, seorang pengamat TI, alasan pihak Garuda di mata umum terlihat masuk akal bahwa itu terjadi karena adanya migrasi dari sistem lama yang terpisah antara pergerakan pesawat, jadwal penerbangan dan pergerakan kru kabin menjadi satu kesatuan.

"Dalam bidang ICT adalah suatu hal yang normal bahwa saat melakukan suatu transisi dari sistem lama ke sistem yang baru lalu terjadi hal yang disebut down curve  (penurunan kinerja karena transisi tersebut)," kata Abah kepada detikINET, Senin (22/11/2010).

Hanya saja, lanjutnya, bila itu dilakukan pada perusahaan biasa atau menengah dan bukan pelayanan publik mungkin wajar saja. Tetapi untuk perusahaan enterprise -- apalagi ini terjadi pada flag carrier bagi Indonesia -- tentu ini akan lain soal.

Abah menambahkan, untuk melakukan transisi tersebut biasanya yang harus dimatangkan adalah hal-hal berikut:

1. Change Management. Yaitu pengelolaan tahap perubahan termasuk di dalamnya semua plan (Plan A, B, C etc), penetapan point of no returnfallback plan, failure handling dan lainnya.

2. Transition Process. Menggabungkan 3 hal menjadi satu sekaligus adalah hal yang sangat berisiko seyogyanya hal yang umum dilakukan adalah melakukan transisi secara gradual (bertahap). Misalnya melakukan 2 modul dulu, setelah hasilnya mulus baru digabungkan dengan modul satunya lagi.

"Mengenai modul mana yang digabung terlebih dahulu sebaiknya dipilih tergantung dari factor risiko, urgency, systems barrier, needs, goals, complexity, cost, process dependancy dan sebagainya," tukas Abah.

3. Parallel Run. Yaitu suatu langkah dimana sambil transisi dilakukan sistem lama tetap berjalan dan digunakan, lalu setelah sistem yang baru siap segera dilakukan peralihan ke sistem baru namun sistem lama tetap berjalan sebagai langkah antisipatif dan backup bila ternyata ada kendala setelah migrasi (post migration failure).  Bila sistem baru telah benar-benar lancar baru sistem lama dimatikan karena sudah tergantikan.

4. Periods Selection. Bila perubahaan ini dilakukan sekarang seharusnya berarti memang saat ini adalah periode yang paling sepi (off peak) karena pada off peak season risiko bisa ditekan seminimal mungkin, bila tidak maka perencanaan ini sudah termasuk gagal dan terlalu berani ambil risiko.

Selain itu sewajarnya perubahan sistem tersebut dilakukan pada larut malam hari atau masa yang paling sedikit imbasnya kepada pelayanan publik, bukan siang hari seperti ini.

5. Trial Test. Yaitu simulasi untuk latihan melakukan perubahan sehingga semua pihak benar-benar siap dan paham apa tugasnya.

6. Coordination. Berkodinasi dengan semua pihak terkait termasuk pihak ketiga yang mungkin akan terkena imbasnya sehingga bisa bersiap diri.

Sebelumnya, akibat pembatalan sejumlah penerbangan kemarin, Garuda secara resmi telah meminta maaf atas ketidaknyamanan itu. Pihak Garuda juga membenarkan, kacaunya jadwal penerbangan tersebut dikarenakan maskapai milik pemerintah tersebut saat ini sedang menerapkan sistem baru.

"Selama ini kita punya 3 sistem yang memonitor pergerakan pesawat, ada sistem yang memonitor pergerakan para awak kabin, ada juga sistem yang memonitor jadwal penerbangan. Sistem ini masing-masing berdiri sendiri," kata VP Corporate Secretary Garuda Indonesia Pujobroto.

Dari 3 sistem monitor yang awalnya dipisahkan, kini Garuda sedang menjajal penggabungan 3 sistem tersebut atau yang dikenal dengan istilah Integrated Operational Control System (IOCS). "Jadi sistem yang awalnya sendiri-sendiri kemudian diintegrasikan menjadi satu," imbuhnya.

Namun demikian, meskipun sistem telah disiapkan dengan matang dan tentunya telah dilakukan beberapa kali uji coba, namun saat diterapkan sistem tersebut masih meleset dari harapan. ( ash / fyk )

Ardhi Suryadhi - detikinet

Taiwan donates $300,000 for disaster victims

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Taiwan has donated US$300 thousand in funds to finance reconstruction efforts in disaster-hit regions in Indonesia.

The funds, along with 1,000 blankets, 7,000 clothes, 25,255 pairs of shoes, and 10,000 pairs of footwear will be distributed among victims of natural disasters in stages, the Taipei Economic and Trade Office (TETO) said in a press release on Monday.

The donation will be channeled through the Indonesian natural disaster mitigation board, the office said.

TETO, along with Taiwanese companies operating in Indonesia is planning the next phase of relief aid for the victims of natural disasters, it said.

The Indonesian government said early this month it would draw up blueprints for the reconstruction of the disaster-hit regions of Wasior, Mount Merapi and Mentawai islands.

"We anticipate that funding for the reconstruction of the areas hit by natural disasters will come from various sources, both internal and from foreign assistance," Coordinating Minister for People`s Welfare Agung Laksono said.

Wasior in West Papua province was devastated by a flash flood that killed more than 160 people on Oct 4.

On Oct 25, a tsunami triggered by a magnitude-7.7 undersea earthquake engulfed the Mentawai islands off the coast of West Sumatra, killing at least 430 people and leaving some 15,000 people displaced.

Mount Merapi, located on the borders between Central Java and Yogyakarta provinces, erupted at least five times since Oct 26, spewing hot clouds 1.5 km into the air and sending lava down its many slopes. The lives of at least 168 people were lost, and the homes of about 70,000 others were destroyed. (*)


President Obama delivered a speech at the University of Indonesia in Jakarta on Wednesday

JAKARTA, Indonesia — In a much-anticipated speech focusing on development, democracy and religion, President Obama sought on Wednesday to strengthen America’s ties with Indonesia, a rising Asian power with the world’s largest Muslim population. But his intended audience was also elsewhere in the Muslim world, especially in the Middle East, where he began talking last year of a fresh start between the West and the Islamic world.

Muslim leaders here praised Mr. Obama’s knowledgeable and warm approach to Indonesia but expressed doubts that his speech would resonate in the wider Muslim world. Too few concrete changes in American foreign policy, they said, had followed previous speeches in Egypt and Turkey.

“President Obama didn’t offer any new major points,” said Azyumardi Azra, a prominent Muslim thinker and the director of the graduate school at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. “There is no breakthrough, for example, to accelerate a peaceful resolution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine.”

“Many people had been expecting that he would address one of the stumbling blocs to the peace process, like Israel’s construction of new housing,” Mr. Azra added.

Mixing the personal, political and religious, Mr. Obama spoke of Indonesia’s history of religious tolerance and its commitment to democracy and diversity before a receptive audience of 6,500 mostly young people at the University of Indonesia. In a 30-minute speech, the president underscored the shared values between the United States and Indonesia, which is known for its tradition of moderate Islam.

Mr. Obama spoke about hearing the “call to prayer across Jakarta,” where he lived for four years as a boy. He referred several times to his Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soeotoro, who, he said, “was raised a Muslim” but “firmly believed that all religions were worthy of respect.”

“I thought the speech was very good because it showed that Obama knows about the people of Indonesia, our cultures and traditions, and mentioned what we have in common,” said Slamet Effendi Yusuf, a deputy chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama, one of Indonesia’s largest Islamic organizations. “He was arguing against the people who say that there is something incompatible between Islamic and Christian civilizations.”

Although 90 percent of Indonesia’s nearly 240 million citizens are Muslim, the country’s constitution recognizes the world’s major religions, and for decades political Islam had little role in this country. But in the past two decades, as Indonesians have become increasingly religious, events in the Middle East and other Muslim regions have gained more traction here.

Mr. Obama talked about the “issues that have caused tensions for many years,” mentioning the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the conflict between Israel and Palestine. He said that the United States had made “some progress” in those areas since Mr. Obama gave his first speech on the United States and Islam 17 months in Cairo.

But Din Syamsuddin, the head of Muhammadiyah, one of Indonesia’s biggest Islamic organizations, said the president offered nothing fresh here.

“His speech in Cairo raised a lot of hopes, but his speech today was repetitive and redundant,” Mr. Din said.

Anis Matta, the secretary general of the Prosperous Justice Party, which is Indonesia’s biggest Islamist political party, said Mr. Obama’s outreach to Muslims here and elsewhere would be influenced by a single issue.

“What will Obama do in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?” Mr. Matta said. “If we don’t see any progress, what he says is just a speech.”

Some experts said Mr. Obama’s premise of reaching out to the wider Muslim world by showing that the United States and Indonesia share values was flawed. Despite the big population of Muslims here, Indonesia’s influence has never extended beyond Southeast Asia.

“Of course, Indonesia does have a seat in the Muslim world, but to what extent it can influence political processes in the Muslim world’s heartland is a big question,” said Rizal Sukma, executive director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a leading think tank here. “Basically, we are not perceived as sitting at the main table in the Muslim world.”

Becoming the United States’ model Muslim democracy also made some Indonesians uneasy.

“The U.S. is trying to use Indonesia as an arena from where it could rebuild its relations with the Muslim world, but that’s dangerous,” said Bantarto Bandoro, a political scientist at the University of Indonesia. “Indonesia might be seen as being co-opted by the United States.”

In his speech, Mr. Obama won fans with stories about growing up in a Jakarta that existed before most of the audience members were born. “Indonesia is a part of me,” he said, doubling the effect by delivering the line in Indonesian.

Harish Muhammad, 18, a computer science major, said he had always believed that the United States was “anti-Islam” but that Mr. Obama had made him rethink his assumptions.

Others remained skeptical, however.

“Obama talked about how Indonesia is part of him,” said Agustina Retnaningsih, 37, a graduate student in pharmacology. “But it makes me wonder: Which part? Where do you put Indonesia and Islam in you and your policy?’

By Norimitsu Onishi
The New York Times

Asset of OCBC NISP standing at IDR47.6 trillion

JAKARTA:  Total assets of  PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk are estimated to reach DIR47.6 trillion following the corporate scheme for merger with PT Bank OCBC Indonesia.

Director of Bank OCBC NISP Rama Pranata Kusumaputra said the assumption here refers to the total corporate assets on October 15 worth IDR41.52 trillion of the total assets of OCBC In­do­nesia worth IDR6.07 trillion.“With the merger here the total assets of Bank OCBC NISP will later reach IDR47.606 trillion,” he said yesterday.

After merger, all assets and liabilities of Bank OCBC Indonesia will be shifted to Bank OCBC NISP.
He then unveiled that after merger the CAR is 18.1 percent and net profit IDR479 billion. Besides, the third party fund (DPK) of Bank OCBC NISP will increase into IDR36.54 trillion.“Our loan to deposit ratio (LDR) will stay at the secured level of 78.6 percent. The gross NPL will be 2.9 percent and net NPL 1.4 percent,” he said.

Bank OCBC NISP is go public company with 81.9 percent shares possession by Bank OCBC Singapore, and Bank OCBC Indonesia 99 percent shares are owned by OCBC Bank Singapore and 1 percent by Bank
The merger scheme of Bank OCBC NISP and Bank OCBC Indonesia has been approved by the minor shareholders.President Director of Bank OCBC NISP Parwati Surjaudaja said the approval was attained from the EGMS yesterday. The company would seek merger permit to BI.

The merger is expectedly effective by January 1 next year after getting approval from EGMS, Bapepam-LK, BI, and Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. After accomplishing merger process, two entities here will use name and logo of Bank OCBC NISP and Bank OCBC Indonesia is dismissed without any liquidation. 

Parwati said the merger is not related to the efforts to meet the single presence policy (SPP) required by BI. Besides, she said the merger scheme will help ease the customers in transaction. She said the customers many times are facing obstacles in transaction such as wrong transfer which is worth IDR100 billion in three months.
“It is meant to transfer to Bank OCBC NISP but in fact went into Bank OCBC Indonesia and vice versa,” she added.

Dealing with the merger scheme, she admitted the company does not lay off the employee. But she mentioned some employees decided not to join with the company.“Some 323 employees or 5 percent employees of both entities [Bank OCBC NISP dan Bank OCBC Indonesia] prefers to quit.”Parwati also unveiled that company targets to grow the credit 30 percent next year focusing on SME (small medium enterprise).
“We are sure next year credit of Bank OCBC NISP could grow by 25-30 percent," she said.She said next year the company will develop corporate credit as that of worked out by Bank OCBC Indonesia. (Bisnis/07)

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